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Sidney Cityscape



  • LNS exclusively represents the commercial and retail tenant -  no landlords or developers - so we can undertake independent and conflict-free strategic negotiations on your behalf.

  • LNS will review your proposed lease terms and advise how you could ultimately benefit from substantial savings and any potential value-add.

  • LNS can assist you at any time, regardless of where you are currently at with your negotiations.

  • LNS will directly negotiate with the landlord (or its representative) on your behalf, to obtain the best commercial deal for you.  Our service acts exclusively for you – no conflicts of interest.

  • LNS will only act on your specific instructions, so you will maintain full control over the negotiations at all times. Our aim is to take the stress, time and awkwardness from your dealings with the landlord, ensuring you maintain your ongoing relationship.

  • LNS will be available up to the completion of the lease transaction to ensure the negotiations are successfully documented.



The initial review of the deal proposed by the landlord is a free service. Our fee is solely based upon how much we save you.  Our fee will be based upon a percentage of the savings we achieve for you.


LNS also offer a property advisory service - please get in touch with us for further details of how the LNS team can assist you - no matter too small.

Signing Papers


LNS is an independent negotiation service and no conflict of interest with other parties. Our service is to negotiate the financial terms of your proposed lease only and does not provide or infer any financial and/or legal advice, which should be sought by the relevant specialist bodies in addition to our service if required.

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